Friday, February 29, 2008


You guys had better wish me some luck. I am driving over to McMinnville, TN in order to visit some family. This will be the longest I’ve ever driven while solo. I’m a little nervous, but I think that I found a way to avoid Nashville, so that is always a plus. I’m so glad that spring break is finally here. Hopefully, when I come back I will be able to raise my GPA quite a bit. Right now, I’m pretty sure that I have a C in both calculus and chemistry. That’s no good. I have an A in everything else though…I hope. I’m glad that we no longer get report cards because my mom would be pissed off if she saw those two C’s.
I think that I’m going to be able to get recouped this week. I don’t know what’s going on with me. I have never done this bad in school. I really don’t want to have to take CHEM II over again. I think that I’d cry if I had to.
I hope that everyone has an awesome spring break. Stay safe, everybody. Don’t drink and drive. Remember. Friends don’t let friends do drugs…without them. Just kidding. Seriously though. Everyone have a good time and don’t get hurt.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Kill me. Kill me now.

It has been the most hectic day ever! There is no exaggeration in that sentence whatsoever. I have never had school day this hard. I woke up at like six thirty and then had to get to school from Bartlett. I spent the night there because I was studying late. So anyways, I’m late to school. There was SO much traffic this morning. On the bright side, I did skip my UNHP class. That was a nice break.
After all that, I started studying for a chemistry test. I walked in to class and was
very confident. I BOMBED THAT TEST! It was unequivocally hard. I was completely unprepared. After I finished that disaster at around seven, I had to go to the library to a study group for calculus. I have a test in that tomorrow. If it wasn’t for the fact that spring break was so close, I think that I would go crazy.
Anyhoo. That’s all about my day. You guys should all get caught up on my story about Paris. I would like to point out that it’s not fiction. It is a completely true story. Only the names have been changed, so as to prevent jail time.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Solace of a Broken Heart

This is for the 2/25/08 prompt.

They had been seeing each other for about four months now. Everything was good. He seemed to be quite the gentleman and she loved him for it. He took her out to eat, opened doors for her, and always paid for her. Yes, this relationship seemed perfect. Maybe he was the one. It was a little too early to be thinking like that, but she couldn’t help herself. She had never felt like this about anyone in her life.

Let’s backtrack a bit. It was four months earlier and Cindy was walking through campus. She was a pretty girl: about five-six and one hundred and twenty pounds. She had a nice figure and a great personality. As she was walking, she tripped in one of the patches of upturned concrete, which were so prevalent around the school. The papers she was carrying flew everywhere. A passer-by noticed and stopped to help her. His name was Jake. He was quite handsome, standing about 6’1” with a muscular build. She thanked him and started to walk off, but he caught her by the arm. He asked her name and they began to talk a bit. Eventually, phone numbers were exchanged and they promised to call one another.

A few days passed and Cindy received a call. They went on a beautiful date and had an amazing time. That’s how it began.

Now, we return to the present. Cindy was still a virgin and was saving herself for “that special someone.” On this particular night, she felt that Jake was “the one.” They shared a blissful night and both fell asleep in her bed. The next morning, Cindy awoke to a note on her pillow. “Thanks for a great time, babe. You were definitely the best of the month. Give me a call if you’re ‘lonely’ sometime.” She couldn’t believe it. Memories of the time they had spent flooded her mind. Silence roared through her room. She broke


Cindy committed suicide that night. Her best friend found her alone in the blood soaked sheets. Two slits and a broken heart were all it took to end a once vibrant life.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


A paradigm is defined as anything that serves as a model or as an example. How does this definition tie into the essay, “No Country for Young Men?” Well, today Wendy spoke of a shifting of the general paradigm. Perhaps it means that the entirety of America is entering a new phase.
America used to be a symbol for vitality and hope. Its booming economy and its growing population fueled this. However, since the baby boomers are entering their geriatric years, America seems to have taken a slight detour on its road toward vitality.
Due to this gravitation toward the elderly, a change is occurring. Health care services are flourishing. Social security reserves are being used at a somewhat alarming rate. America is dying, both figuratively and literally. Stocks are at a plateau because of sales to finance retirement.
It is reported that seniors are more qualified for customer service jobs than are the younger people. Despite the fact that they are old and somewhat of a burden on the economy, the boomers seem to be generally happy with the world that they have come to dominate. The kids are gone. They have a little money saved up. They have free time to do whatever they want to do. They have the good life, and it is up to us to bear their burden.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Frosty, my boy!

Well, i just finished a marathon writing session. I had to write a ten page paper. I started it today and just now finished it. Needless to say...i am completely spent. It wouldn't have been that bad except for the fact that it was for my damn UNHP class. So basically the paper was about nothing. It really is quite hard to bullshit for a whole ten pages. However, i must say that the transition from bullshit to actual fact is really quite seemless, if i do say so myself. Whatever. It's done now and that's that.

Now on to the presented prompt. I would first like to say that i absolutely love Robert Frost. He is one of the best poets of all time. This is coming from a guy who is not really all that fond of poetry.
It is essential to look at things from a broad perspective once you enter college. There are so many different people and classes, it is impossible to approach things from the same perspective you had in high school. You are essentially beginning a new chapter in your life. Why not change the way that you approach it?
Another big change is the fact that material is no longer " spoon fed" to you. You actually have to listen to the lectures and study the information presented. It really is quite a difference.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Chapter 3:Hate Blows a Bubble of Despair

Sorry Wendy. I wasn’t really feeling that glamour prompt. So, instead, I’m going to write the next part to the Paris saga.

Chapter 3: Hate Blows a Bubble of Despair
So when we left off, Paris and Elle had pretty much broken off all ties. There was some slandering. Someone may or may not have thrown someone out of a moving vehicle. I find that a little hard to believe seeing how there was not so much as a scratch on Elle.
Though they saw each other from time to time, Elle and Paris hadn’t really made up. Elle started to drink and smoke more. She also, from my understanding, slept around a bit. It was hard on her.
Paris got on with his life pretty well. He played some shows. The band was doing pretty well. Life was good. Then came Clyde.
One night, after a show, Clyde’s mother, Jezebel, introduced Paris to Clyde. Clyde was a beautiful temptress. She was everything that a woman should be: smart, witty, beautiful, and most of all, conniving. Also, she was quite a bit younger than Paris. They began to see more and more of each other, and it was strictly platonic. Well, it was that way for Paris. Clyde made advances toward Paris at every chance. What sort of man could possibly resist that sort of attention repeatedly? Finally, Paris gave in and the consummated their love for each other. Little did Paris know of the real motive of Jezebel when she introduced Clyde and Paris.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Parents Suck at Raising Kids

First, I would like to thank Wendy for the prompt, although it is somewhat uninteresting.
Whose fault is it that the public school system is in the tubes? Personally, I blame society as a whole. Look at the things that kids are emulating as they grow up. There are countless rap videos depicting various acts that are less than reputable. There are a million violent video games that have the potential to warp childrens’ minds. Also, look
at the movies that are coming out. There is the movie, Hostel. It’s just porn and gore.
However, I don’t blame a single one of these things for the downfall of public schools. I blame the parents. No matter what else is in the world, kids take in the most input from their parents.
Girls are getting pregnant at younger and younger ages. How can we expect a baby to raise a baby? It’s not her fault though. It’s her parents’ fault. They didn’t seem to push the subject of protected sex very well. “Protecting” kids from sex just means that they are not prepared when they finally do the deed, as it were.
Parents need to teach kids the difference between fiction and reality. No kid would think that it’s okay to imitate the actions in a violent video game unless they had a really screwed up childhood.
It’s the parents’ fault and no one else’s. Place the blame where it belongs and actually do something about it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ass Fx

It seems like there are too many medicines on the market that do the exact same thing. Think about it. There are like a million headache medicines. There are another million for heartburn and heartburn’s retarded cousin, acid reflux. My mom’s doctor says she has that. I’m not going to argue with him. After all, he’s a doctor. I’m just saying that it seems like it’s a little overblown.
Anyways, the point I am trying to make is that there are too many overpriced medications that seem to do the exact same thing. For instance, I just saw a commercial that prompted this blog. It was for another acid reflux medicine called AcipHex, pronounced “ass fx.” Is that not the dumbest name for any product that you’ve ever heard? I wonder what the production meeting for that product was like. There was definitely no one under thirty there.
Regardless of all the names and everything, I figure that they at least drive the prices down due to competition. So, that’s one good thing. It still kind of sucks it takes an hour to pick out an over the counter medication. Like I said before, at least it’ll be somewhat inexpensive.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Chapter 2: Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town

Chapter 2: Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town

After my deep-seeded hatred of Paris subsided, everything was once again copasetic. The summer was now upon us. I had never really had all that great of a summer. I'd had fun of course, but I'd never had a summer like waht i thought summer should be. I grew up watching shows like the Wonder Years. That's the kind of summer that i wanted. You know the kind: Me and some friends hanging out at someone's house because we're too broke to be able to afford anything better.
One day we found some sidewalk chalk in my girlfriend's garage. All of us, Paris, Rose(my girlfriend), Elle(her sister and his girlfriend), and myself went down to the street and bgan to draw. At first, our drawings were scattered and random. Slowly, they began to culminate into one mass mural. At its center was a giant eye. The eye seemed to gaze out into forever. The mural, long washed away by the rains, is survived only by a few photos, and remebered only by by the few of us who participated in its birth.
That summer seemed to go on forever. I was never going to end, or, at least, that was the thought. However, like the mural, that summer also faded into nothing but a memory.
School began again. Classes were once again filled by listless kids just trying to make it through.
Life was back to normal. What is normal, but monotonous activities.
Paris and i still saw quite a bit of each other during the weekends or whenever we both happened to be at Rose's house. That was cool. Then Paris stopped coming around. I learned from Rose that he and Elle had had quite a falling out. This was the beginning of all the trouble that Paris would eventually get himself into.

Walmart saves lives

Well it seems a if i will be writing two blogs a day for a while until i am done with the story of Paris. Right now i need to talk about healthcare.
Walmart has just announced that it will open four hundred medical clinics at its store locations. It already has clinics in seventy seven stores around the country. The decision to expand their clinics came when they signed a letter of intent with local hospital and RediClinic that states that they would open co-branded clinics in 200 supercenters. Another letter of intent was signed with St. Vincent Health System, which will open four clinics in the Little Rock area.
Walmart says that they plan to have all four hundred clinics opened by 2010.The goal is that these walk-in clinics will have a great impact on the American Healthcare System. Walmart is known for offering the same items for less money, so it is with their generic medicine. They have recently begun offering four dollar prescriptions on some of their generic medicine brands.
As much as I dislike Walmart, this is a really good idea. I like the fact that this seems like a step towards universal healthcare. Hopefully one day other people will, and I hate to say this, learn from Walmart. Until then people can get their medicine a little bit cheaper at Walmart. Thanks Walmart.

Monday, February 18, 2008

So as it Semed Me

How is it that people seem to lay waste to their seemingly happy lives? It’s scary how fast

life can plummet into a downward spiral. This is the story of one such person and the

culminations circumstances by which his life took such a turn. All of the characters in this story

are completely true, but their names have been changed due to the acts that they have

committed. So begins the story of Paris as it was told to me. I am not Paris; I am just someone

trying to convey an interesting story.
Chapter 1: So as it Semed Me

I first met Paris at the Bartlett Christmas Parade. I must admit that I had preconceptions

of him due to the descriptions that friends of mine had given me. They described him as a

straight-up greaser right out of the fifties. And so it was that this was my first impression as

well. Obviously, they had never taken the time to talk to him or, like my girlfriend, had made up

their minds and gave him no second thought.

The first thing he ever said to me was “Do you know who that is?” This was in reference to

a button that I was wearing that had a picture of Che Guevara on it. “Yes,” I replied and then

went on to give a brief description on the escapades of Ernesto “Che” Guevara. This was the

beginning of our friendship.

I regret using the word friendship due to the fact that I really didn’t like him all that

much at the time or for some time afterward. It seemed as if he was just some punk trying to be

different. For all of you who know me and for those of you who don’t, I hate posers of any kind.

Paris was my girlfriend’s sister’s boyfriend. As a result, we saw a lot of each

other. At first, it was okay. Then it was pretty fun. Last, it was terrible. I began to have this

irrational hatred of Paris for absolutely no reason whatsoever. How this came about, I do not

know or just can’t remember. Perhaps two people with an Irish heritage need to have disputes

from time to time, even if they are jus one-sided.

This was Paris and that was the beginning of the long chain of events to which I was privy.

* Comeback tomorrow if you want to know another section of the story. It will

start to get good. I promise. It’ll be your favorite soap opera.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Snow In San Diego

It’s so nice to have hot water in the dorm again. It has been out since Sunday. Seems like it’s just one thing after the other lately.
I woke up this morning and turned to CNN Headline and I see a nice aerial shot of my birthplace, San Diego, California. Though I didn’t live there long, I have been back a lot of times and it holds a very special place in my heart. Anyways, they were showing a nice shot of the bay and PETCO Stadium (Chargers home field). Then they switch to a
current aerial shot of the same area and it’s getting pounded with snow. Now, if you know nothing about the geography of California, San Diego is in the southern part right next to the Mexican border. IT DOES NOT EVER SNOW THERE! This is a very freak weather occurrence. Perhaps global warming is taking place faster than we could have anticipated. I don’t know exactly what caused it, but I do know that it really isn’t supposed to happen.
In other news, there was a shooting at NIU. The gunman opened fire in an auditorium. He killed six people and then took his own life. I wonder what could possess a person to do something like that. The strange thing is that there was apparently no prior provocation. Maybe he was trying to copy the VT guy.
232 words

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day...Sort of

Happy Valentine’s Day, everybody. Well, I guess technically it’s the day after, but I just got done with all my homework. WHAT A DAY! Instead of spending the day with my girlfriend, I had to go to chemistry. Then I had to do this stupid paper for my engineering class. If you are thinking about becoming an engineer and haven’t already invested time in the first semester, stop thinking about it. This sounds like it will be a fun profession, but the school for it sucks ass.
So, my girlfriend and I are celebrating tomorrow, or today, or whatever it is. I don’t even care anymore. I am so glad that Friday is approaching. I only have two
classes and usually no homework. Sleep is calling, but I’m not done with the requirement yet.
The discussion in class today was interesting. Zachary seems like a pretty cool guy but did anyone else notice that he seemed like he was about to have an anxiety attack? He was swaying back and forth the entire class period. It was weird. Oh well.
I know that this is going to sound very cynical of me, but I don’t see the point to Valentine’s Day. It seems like an excuse to sell cards, candy, and flowers. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t celebrate it. However, I have a girlfriend, so it’s sort of an obligation.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Stupidity Wins Landslide Election

Ryan Manning

Stupidity Wins Landslide Election

As I first began to read the article, I felt that if I didn’t vote then I’d be a menace to society. I mean the man opens up with some pretty strong phrases. I don’t want to be scorned or face possible jail time if I don’t vote. If these were the consequences, then I’d be afraid not to vote. And that is exactly what the man in this article is saying.

The man writing this article seems to be of the Democratic Party. Perhaps he is unaffiliated, but he doesn’t seem neutral enough for that. For instance, he seems to criticize the Republicans for using neutral organizations, such a girl scouts, to sway the vote towards their side. In his mind, this is not a good idea at all. Voting just to vote is not intelligent and it may sway the vote towards a “boob” of a candidate. I completely agree with this, which makes me think that he is probably trying to communicate with the younger generation of his time. He wants to curtail useless voting and encourage voters to make a more informed decision when they vote. After all, older generations tend to be more set in their ways, so it seems unintelligent to try and convince them to change.

This “get out the vote” thing seems very similar to the “vote or die” campaign that MTV ran during the last election. They also used neutrals, like Justin Timberlake, not to sway to a certain party, but just to get people to vote. I hated this with a fiery passion. It was not the blatant use of star power that annoyed me; it was the fact that the idea of making an intelligent vote was never stressed. People can go vote all day, but what does it matter if they don’t know who they’re voting for? It is necessary to research candidates. Look at the president we have now. Bush may have seemed like a good choice once upon a time (like eight years ago), but why was he re-elected over someone who was obviously more qualified. It is because people have a tendency to fall in to patterns in life. I do it, you do it, we all do it. It is just human nature to “fear” change. However, sometimes change is necessary. If you’re in a war that has been failing since day one, then why would you continue to stay in it? Isn’t a war scarier than change? Apparently it isn’t. This is somewhat scary in itself. If people fear change that much then what is to stop a president from doing an FDR. Yeah there is that amendment to the Constitution, but amendments can be amended. Could you imagine four or more terms of Bush-Cheney? I don’t even want to begin to think about it.

This article was written in 1955. It is more than likely that this man lived through the terms of FDR. This is not to say that FDR was not a good president, it just means that he may have overstayed his welcome a bit. It stands to reason that the author of the article would agree with me. He probably saw many people go and vote for FDR just because he was FDR. “He was president during the war and the depression Well, the depression is over, so he must be the man for the job. Let’s keep him in.” (I’m not sure if that should be in quotes, but it is and it’s going to stay that way. I just made it up on the spot.) It’s the same thing with Bush-Cheney, except we’re not winning the war. Apparently our mission has been accomplished, but we are just visiting now.

The last question posed is if this undermines any current cultural ideas. Yes, it does, but they are the same ideas as in 1955. Change is bad. It’s apparently worse than war. Instead of acknowledging that something is bad, we’ll just pretend everything is just dandy and it’ll work itself out. These are the kinds of ideas that need to be challenged. If they aren’t then this country is doomed to repeat past mistakes. This statement has

already come to fruition. The Vietnam Conflict and the War on Terror seem to be

somewhat similar in both purpose and execution. I mean that they’re both cluster-fucks.

The sooner that we realize the error of our ways (cliché but still effective), the sooner we can begin to see things in a different light. Maybe one day voting will feel like something we should do. Right now it feels like something that we have to do. It did then and it does now.

In conclusion, get out the vote, but please…please make an informed decision. Don’t do it just because someone tells you it’s your duty.

806 Words

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Book review on a movie?

Tonight I am going to begin on my movie reviews. I suppose I could read a book, but a book on healthcare doesn’t seem as though it would be even remotely interesting. I have decided to do both Sicko and An Inconvenient Truth. The latter, I chose because I am flat broke and already own it. So, that means that all I have to do is watch that tonight and then watch Sicko tomorrow. I will probably just write the papers as I am watching each. Maybe I’ll just take notes as I am watching them. First, I have to read the notes on how to write a book review since it has been quite a while.
As strange as it may sound, I’m looking forward to this assignment. I absolutely hate writing because I have yet to watch An Inconvenient Truth, and I really like Sicko.
I think that in order to write the review, I will just use the non-fiction template on eCourseware. They are both non-fiction after all, and that seems like the best solution.
So, on another note…I can’t wait for spring break! I’m soooo tired all the time and it will be a good chance to rest up. Is anyone else looking forward to the break?
That was rhetorical by the way.

Book review on a movie?

Tonight I am going to begin on my movie reviews. I suppose I could read a book, but a book on healthcare doesn’t seem as though it would be even remotely interesting. I have decided to do both Sicko and An Inconvenient Truth. The latter, I chose because I am flat broke and already own it. So, that means that all I have to do is watch that tonight and then watch Sicko tomorrow. I will probably just write the papers as I am watching each. Maybe I’ll just take notes as I am watching them. First, I have to read the notes on how to write a book review since it has been quite a while.
As strange as it may sound, I’m looking forward to this assignment. I absolutely hate writing because I have yet to watch An Inconvenient Truth, and I really like Sicko.
I think that in order to write the review, I will just use the non-fiction template on eCourseware. They are both non-fiction after all, and that seems like the best solution.
So, on another note…I can’t wait for spring break! I’m soooo tired all the time and it will be a good chance to rest up. Is anyone else looking forward to the break?
That was rhetorical by the way.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Don't watch the movie, Perth

Is everyone excited to be back at school? Yeah me neither. Do we get a three-day weekend this week for President’s Day? If so, can someone please tell me?
So, I didn’t go see that play that Daniel was talking about. It’s not that I didn’t want to. It’s just that I had so much to do this weekend. So, I have yet to attend any outside event. I may be a little behind. I don’t know. I heard it was good though.
My dad got back in town on Saturday. I haven’t seen him in like six months, so it was nice to get to hang out with him on Sunday. Sorry to all of the thespians out there. We went down to Beale Street and ate at the Hard Rock. Unfortunately, the reunion was not all happy and sunny. I learned that people, whom I’ve known since I was little, are not all doing so well. One is a meth addict now. Another is going broke because of his real estate investments. And the last one starting smoking and is having a mid-life crisis. Oh yeah! My dad’s work partner had a stroke and may not be able to work for a while. Seems like thing are going down he hill for the older generation.
What should I get my girlfriend for Valentine’s Day? Any suggestions, girls?

Friday, February 8, 2008

Nothing to Say

I’m so tired today. I would kill just to be able to take a nap. However, I must push on, for I have things to do. It’s been a very hectic week, with the storms and work and all. It seems like this weekend took forever to get here.
So as I sit here listening to Flogging Molly, I feel incomplete somehow. Oh well I’ll get over it I’m sure. It’s probably just because I’m tire from this incredibly long week.
I guess that I should get to work on those movie reviews for class. I’m going to watch Sicko for class? I can’t believe it. I love Michael Moore. He tends to blow things a little bit out of proportion, but for the most part, he is an excellent documentary filmmaker. This is quite possibly the most interesting English class that I’ve ever had. That doesn’t mean that I like the work, but I don’t mind it as much as I have past English classes.
Well, since I really have nothing to say today, I’m going to go ahead and sign off now. I hope that everybody has a nice weekend and I’ll see you all next week. Bye.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Does anyone care about health?

Is anyone else finding it hard to find their piece of propaganda. I know I am. I found one thing that I thought was pretty good. It was video of a commercial that John Edwards had when he was still campaigning. It was promoting John’s universal healthcare program. In it, he says that universal healthcare is needed in America today. I completely agree with that statement. However, he goes on to say that he would take the legislations healthcare away if they wouldn’t pass his bill. This is obviously outlandish. He redeems himself by the end of the commercial by saying that its not fair that some people should have healthcare when many others don’t.
I believe that socialized healthcare would be a great institution in American society(that’s for you, Wendy). We are the only major nation that has no sort of universal healthcare. Canada has it. England has it. France has it. Even Cuba has it for fucks sake. CUBA HAS IT! They have virtually no money, yet they seem to be able to afford this monster that is universal healthcare.
Another thing that I hate about the American healthcare system is how the major companies, like Pfizer, feel the need to monopolize all the medicine sales. Generic medicines are far less expensive, yet we can’t get them here. It’s ridiculous. This country’s government cares more about revenue than it does about its own people.
236 words

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tuesday's over

Well, Super Tuesday is finally over. Even though I didn’t get to actually vote, I feel like my candidate still did pretty good. That’s right my candidate is that “cold, heartless, bitch,” Hillary. I don’t know why, but I like her. Maybe it’s just a residual feeling because I liked her husband so much. Though Obama actually won more states, it seems as though Hillary is still holding her own. It looks like, seemingly as with the Republicans, it is going to come down to the Democratic National Convention to decide who will be the Democratic candidate. So, c’mon guys. Let’s all pull for Hillary.
It’s not that I don’t like Obama. It’s just that I feel as if he will break under all the pressure if he is put up as candidate. I mean the man stammers constantly during debates. True, he does deliver a prepared speech very well, but he hasn’t won a single debate. It seems like he has trouble thinking on the spot. What happens if he becomes president and fucks up because he doesn’t think quick enough?
So, in other news, the cause of Heath Ledger’s death has been finally been determined. It was ruled as accidental suicide by an unlikely combination of different medications. It’s sad that he’s gone, but it’s good that he did not intentionally take his own life.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Yay for destruction

Thanks to the storm today, I have no chemistry. Unfortunately, the air is really

quite heavy, so it is also ungodly hot outside. Fortunately for me, my mom live in

Bartlett. So I am going to write this, then I am going to her house. Yay air conditioning!!!

Well today is Super Tuesday and I can't vote dammit. I applied for my card but it

hasn't come yet, so i guess that I am not an official voting citizen yet. Woe is me.

I was so looking foward to standing in a hot line with a bunch of sweaty people who are

just as uncomfortable as me. Really and truly though, I do want to vote. I want my voice

to be heard.

I paused and lost my political train of thought. Oh well, I'm tired of politics. Isn't

there somnething else that i camn bitch about? Well, let's see. The cable in my

dorm decided that it wants to be stupid, but since everything is closing at 2:30, i'll

just report it tomorrow i suppose.

Wow, I really have nothing to say today. I guess that the day has just gone to well

for me to be mad about anything. Up until recently, the weather has been nice, and so has

my day. That little weather siren thing sure is creepy sounding. Sorry for anyone who

habitually reads my blog. Nothing interesting today.

Monday, February 4, 2008

I am calmer today

Yes, it is unfortunate that the Patriots lost their perfect season, but I'm going to try and move on, though the pain is so intense. If you read my blog for 2-4-08, then just disregard it. I was mad and needed a scape goat. It wasn't all Brady's fault. The Giants' defensive line was really quite incredible and Eli, for all it's worth, played a really great game.
Last night people kept trying to tell me that there is always next year. Well next year is next year. The chances of my team pulling out another perfect regular season are somewhat unlikely, but it IS possible. I guess that i will just have to wait and see.
Seriously though, I've never yelled so much at an inanimate object. I guess I'm a little high strung when it comes to my boys.
Last night, after House, i was thinking about the game. What if i had watched it at my own house instead of at my friends? Would it have been like a butterfly effect? Am I the one who is truly to blame for the defeat of the Patriots? I certainly hope not, but i suppose anything is possible. I mean the New York Giants DID beat the Patriots after all.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


What the hell was that sorry fucking excuse for a game? What the hell was Brady doing the whole night? Did he think that this was practice? I'm so pissed right now. Why wouldn't you just put Cassel in the game, Bill!

Fuck Cassel. I could've done better than that. I've been a Patriots fan since i was like six. Well, when they play like that, it's even hard for me to watch them. I shouldn't say they. It was Tom who lost the game. He played like a damn rookie. It's a shame because I was just starting to like him. Oh well. He'll never be Bledsoe.

Friday, February 1, 2008

In It To Lose It

I am really glad that there are other people, like Left Wing Cracker, and West TN Liberal, who realize that the Democrats have completely screwed themselves in the ’08 election. TN Liberal makes an outstanding point in his latest blog. It looks as though John McCain is going to get the Republican nomination due to his win in Florida. This means big trouble for the liberals and Democrats. It means that if he wins, this country has to put up with another four lame years of Republican policies and politics. This country is in real trouble. John Edwards was the last hope. If Hillary gets the nomination, I don’t think she’ll win. She’s a woman. I have nothing against women, but you know that some people, including other women, do. Some fat ass rednecks who have not voted since they were eighteen are going to tear themselves away from their beer and daytime TV to go out and purposely see to it that a woman never becomes president.
It is just as unlikely that Obama won’t get it either. After all he “has no experience.” What are politics? They are mainly debates and squabbling. Well, judging from his campaign against Hillary, he has plenty of experience.
Whatever. I’m sick of it. This is the first year that I’ll get to vote and I already don’t want to. At least I’ll get to see the greatest football team in history take down one of the Manning brothers this weekend. There’s always a bright side.