Friday, April 18, 2008

Papal Pride?

This is it. This is the last blog. I feel like I’m losing a friend. Oh well. Today I am going to talk about the Pope’s first visit to America.
This is ridiculous. What can this man possibly think of our country? On his first visit…Well, I have a quote for you that pretty much explains it all. “Thank you, You Holiness. Awesome speech.” That was our very own George Bush. How can you possibly be so congenial with someone who has such authority? I guess Bush isn’t used to seeing someone who has more influence than himself.
W hat about the merchandise that these vendors are selling? Pope on a rope? I can only assume that’s Papal soap on a rope. God bless my German Shepherd. Yeah let’s compare His Holiness to a dog. That’s a sure ticket to heaven. My favorite, by far, has to be Pope my ride. This is simply a shirt that has a picture of the Pope mobile on it. Today he is giving a mass at Yankee stadium. Yes, baseball is a great game, but it is by no means holy. Besides. The Yankees suck. Everyone knows that the Red Sox rule the World.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

J.P. Orlewicz

ONLY TWO BLOGS LEFT! Well, actually there will only be one left after this, I guess. It’s a real shame since I really have nothing to say today. I had something cool to talk about yesterday. Not cool, but at least it was interesting. I’ll try but this is going to be a stretch.
Has anyone heard of this J.P. Orlewicz kid? He is some 18 year old kid who killed a 26 year old, apparently just for the hell of it. He slit his throat(from behind) and stabbed him a few times. After that, he and a friend, decapitated the body, burned the torso, and left the head in a river. I know. Horrible, right?
Anyway he was just found guilty of first degree murder. His friend was found guilty of second degree. I have to admit, that I don’t feel sorry for the guy. He killed a man, in cold blood, for no reason. He faces life in prison, possibly with no chance of parol.
He looked normal, but when you hear the way he talked to his parents, you could tell that there was something wrong with him. He doesn’t seem insane, just a little mentally disturbed.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

VT: We Remember

How is everyone doing today? Good, I hope. So, today is the one year anniversary of the Virginia Tech massacre. I think that massacre is the right word. It is defined as an indiscriminant killing of a large number of human beings. Thirty two is a pretty big number for just one man to have killed by himself.
It doesn’t seem like it’s been a year. It seems like it was just a few months ago. Perhaps big events tend to stay better in the long our long term memories. For instance. Does it seem like it’s been eight years since September 11?
I guess that I really have no reason for talking about this other than just to have something to write about. I wonder what possesses a person to commit such a heinous act against humanity. As far as I saw, there was no basis for the attack, other than the fact that the guy was more than just a little strange. Did you read any of his literary exploits? They definitely reflected the thoughts of a disturbed individual.
Anyways. There is a day of mourning at VT today. They got the day off and all that stuff.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


There is a discussion. Just listen to my rant first.
I am both very happy and very sad at the same time. I have just taken my last actual test of the year. Now all I have is a few papers and some exams. Unfortunately, I believe that I pretty much bombed both of my tests today and that makes me sad. I really don’t want to think about it anymore so on to the discussion for today.
I am watching the Daily Show With John Stuart and he is talking about Hilary’s comment about Obama being “elitist.” An elitist is basically someone who believes that they are better. What’s the problem with that? A president should be better. That’s why they get their faces carved into things. As much as I dislike Obama, I just can’t agree with Hilary’s statement. An elitist is not a bad thing to be. Sure it separates you from the people, but that makes you an objective leader. I think that’s exactly what we need right now. The rightwing conservative thing isn’t working out so great. Bill Clinton was too concerned with what we would think about he and Monica, so he lied. That got him in bigger trouble. We put these people in place so that they can lead us, not so we can bully and judge them. Unless they fuck up terribly, say like going to war with a country who did nothing to us, then leave them alone and let them work.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Yawn. I am TIRED! It’s about 10:36 in the P.M. and I have been at it all day. Between the calculus and my final chemistry lab, it’s been a real bitch. I figured that I should probably go ahead and get done with my blog since we are supposed to do one every night. I have yet to complete my final draft of part four. Not to mention that I have a chemistry test tomorrow, which I have not studied for yet. Let’s see. What can I talk about?
Have you guys seen that video of the girl getting the crap beaten out of her by six other girls. It’s sick. How could you do that to someone. Not to mention that they had two people guys keeping watch outside. They are being tried as adults. I’m not exactly sure how I feel about this. True, they committed a premeditated act of violence against another person, but they are just kids. Whenever I see the video, I feel like they should be tried as adults. However, when I am thinking about it at other points, I think about how group mentality can force people to do some really stupid things. There is the Holocaust. Then there is the fact that George Bush got re-elected. You can’t tell me that peer pressure had nothing to do with any of these things.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Death of a Blog

Hey guys. What’s up? So I have been thinking about my blog. I am wondering if I will keep doing it or not. Chances are that you guys are the only ones that read it, and most of you probably won’t keep yours up either. I believe that my poor blog will just fall into oblivion. It’s a shame really. I have put so much time and effort into it, but there will really be no incentive to keep it going. It will just be wasted words on a wasted page. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.
Unfortunately the end of the semester is approaching. This is good for every reason but homework. There is so much of it. My math teacher gave us three homework assignments this weekend. They are so ridiculously time consuming. I guess that’s what my weekend will be devoted to. Well, that and studying for chemistry. BOO CHEMISTRY!
On the bright side, I definitely owned my engineering test today. I made those 4 pieces of paper my bitch.
Okay I’m tired of writing now, so I will sign off now. Perhaps my blogs next week will be more vibrant and interesting. I may even throw a story or two in there.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


So, as most of you may or may not know. I AM IN COLLEGE!!! So why is it then that I have to go to a high school prom? My girlfriend is being completely ridiculous about this. She has already been to three proms. One with her ex and two with me. Why does she need to go to another one? They are all the exact same. You go. You dance badly. There is a fight at some point. Maybe you get lucky at the end of the night. Basically I don’t see what the big deal is. Can someone please explain to me why I have to pay like 300 dollars three years in a row? I just feel as though the effort and the cost involved are not really worth the benefits that may come out of it. And another thing. Why can’t you girls wear the same dress more than one time? They cost hundreds of dollars and you wear them once. That seems pretty stupid if you ask me. It’s even worse for us guys. We don’t even own the outfit that we spend lots of money on. It’s just a rental. High school is so dumb.