Friday, April 11, 2008

Death of a Blog

Hey guys. What’s up? So I have been thinking about my blog. I am wondering if I will keep doing it or not. Chances are that you guys are the only ones that read it, and most of you probably won’t keep yours up either. I believe that my poor blog will just fall into oblivion. It’s a shame really. I have put so much time and effort into it, but there will really be no incentive to keep it going. It will just be wasted words on a wasted page. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.
Unfortunately the end of the semester is approaching. This is good for every reason but homework. There is so much of it. My math teacher gave us three homework assignments this weekend. They are so ridiculously time consuming. I guess that’s what my weekend will be devoted to. Well, that and studying for chemistry. BOO CHEMISTRY!
On the bright side, I definitely owned my engineering test today. I made those 4 pieces of paper my bitch.
Okay I’m tired of writing now, so I will sign off now. Perhaps my blogs next week will be more vibrant and interesting. I may even throw a story or two in there.


michaelparker said...

No keep doing it even if you don't post as often as you have to now. It is a great way to keep up with people. And besides, more people will leave comments because as you meet more people that you like, you tell them about your blog and it could blow up one day. Let this be the birth of your communications central rather than the death of your blog.

Carlin said...

Yeah, I have been debating whether or not to keep mine up too.It's gotten really sort of addicting. We've had to write so many that I think it will be weird if I suddenly stop blogging. I don't know. I think you should keep yours up, at least for a little while; you'd be surprised how much input you can add to "issues", especially controversial ones. But who knows, I might end up stopping mine too.

. said...

Yeah, I’ve been thinking about my blog as well. Not really sure what will happen to it. I vowed to keep it up after last semester, but I’m afraid I’m losing the energy to do it. I probably will come back to it after a break, even if no one reads it.

Unknown said...

I highly doubt I'll be updating it as usual but I'll try. I'm not the guy to write stuff consistently but I will keep coming back to these blogs you guys made. At least one of you will still be adding to them.

What makes this site utter crap is that facebook. You all need a fb account if don't already. Facebook will cause you to have a lower GPA, but it's fun