Friday, April 4, 2008

<( '-' )> <----It's Kirby again!!

What is up with this rain, people? It was nice at first, but now it’s ridiculous. I always sleep better when it rains, but lately I’ve been dreading the walk to class I the morning. Not only that, but I take a lot of shortcuts through the grass. Needless to say, I did not take them today.
I forgot my umbrella this morning and decided not to go back for it. After all, it looked and felt nice enough outside. After calculus, it was raining a bit harder, but it was still nothing to worry about. By the time I got out of engineering, it was pouring. I looked like a drowned rat by the time I got back to my dorm room. It was pretty sexy if I do say so, myself.
This weekend should be alright as far as work goes. I have to study for chem., write a paper and start on another one. That’s it. Oh yeah and I have a little calculus too. I am also going to see the Ruins. I read the book and it was great. The movie doesn’ look all that great, but I’m gunna see it anyway. The last movie that I saw,21, didn’t look all that great either, but it wasn’t bad. Hopefully, this will be equally good. At least it’ll be gorey. J


Asnanti said...

I'm with you on the rain thing. I am not loving it at all. My roommate said that we should go see 21 but I am not sure about it. Like you said, the preview of the movie did not look interesting, but since you said it wasn't bad, I might take a chance and see it.

Daniel Hernandez said...

okay so the ruins is pretty good its definitly worth going to see. but this rain on the other hand is ridiculuous and needs to stop soon. ha. i forgot my umbrella today as well and i had spent like 45 mins. on my hair. so i used the daily helmsan and my umbrella i felt bad about it but my hair still looked good.

April said...

Yeah so I want to say screw you rain!!! I love the rain and thunder when I'm sleeping, but I HATE it during the day. All my pants are soaked. I went and bought rain boots the other day just because I am tired of ruining all of my shoes. I am not a "rain boots" girl, but I am making myself be one. I hate this freakin' rain!! My hair stays huge, and that is never a good thing. Anyway, I hate the freakin' rain!!

Carlin said...

I'm glad that I wasn't the only one who got soaked today. I forgot my umbrella too. People walked by me and I felt them feeling sorry for me. It was ridiculous. I liked walking in it at first, it was kind of soothing. But when it started to downpour, my little hood on my jacket wasn't enough to stop the torrent. Ah, the wonderful experiences of college....