Thursday, April 10, 2008


So, as most of you may or may not know. I AM IN COLLEGE!!! So why is it then that I have to go to a high school prom? My girlfriend is being completely ridiculous about this. She has already been to three proms. One with her ex and two with me. Why does she need to go to another one? They are all the exact same. You go. You dance badly. There is a fight at some point. Maybe you get lucky at the end of the night. Basically I don’t see what the big deal is. Can someone please explain to me why I have to pay like 300 dollars three years in a row? I just feel as though the effort and the cost involved are not really worth the benefits that may come out of it. And another thing. Why can’t you girls wear the same dress more than one time? They cost hundreds of dollars and you wear them once. That seems pretty stupid if you ask me. It’s even worse for us guys. We don’t even own the outfit that we spend lots of money on. It’s just a rental. High school is so dumb.


April said...

Well yes high school is dumb, but prom isn't. Coming from a girl's point of you, I will tell you why your girlfriend wants to go. Prom is such a special time for a girl, and I am assuming this is her senior year which means this prom is the most essential one to go to. And sorry but you can't wear the same dress. I did last year, but I wore one to homecoming at my school, and then I wore it again to Millington's prom because no one had seen it, but if they had, I wouldn't of worn it. There are a lot of things about prom that a guy wouldn't understand. Just go with her. You will make her day by going. Hey maybe you'll get lucky the night! lol

michaelparker said...

Hey bud, even a gay man can tell you that it is important for you to take her to this prom. Makes her feel special and loved by you. So, if you do love her, take her to the prom. Just go do something you want to do afterwards and drag her along so she can prove how much she loves you and how "special" you Later.