Tuesday, April 15, 2008


There is a discussion. Just listen to my rant first.
I am both very happy and very sad at the same time. I have just taken my last actual test of the year. Now all I have is a few papers and some exams. Unfortunately, I believe that I pretty much bombed both of my tests today and that makes me sad. I really don’t want to think about it anymore so on to the discussion for today.
I am watching the Daily Show With John Stuart and he is talking about Hilary’s comment about Obama being “elitist.” An elitist is basically someone who believes that they are better. What’s the problem with that? A president should be better. That’s why they get their faces carved into things. As much as I dislike Obama, I just can’t agree with Hilary’s statement. An elitist is not a bad thing to be. Sure it separates you from the people, but that makes you an objective leader. I think that’s exactly what we need right now. The rightwing conservative thing isn’t working out so great. Bill Clinton was too concerned with what we would think about he and Monica, so he lied. That got him in bigger trouble. We put these people in place so that they can lead us, not so we can bully and judge them. Unless they fuck up terribly, say like going to war with a country who did nothing to us, then leave them alone and let them work.


Unknown said...

Yes, bombing exams. Thats what a lot of us do when it gets near the end. Someone should do a research to see the percentage of those who bomb exams at the end of the semester as opposed to those who screw up any other time. The correlation should be high.

Yeah, about the whole daily show thing, I like that show. I just haven't watched it forever, but those two guys on there are very agreeable in my opinion.

April said...

Well personally I freaking can't stand Obama. I think he has nothing to offer, and I refuse to even listen to him. I do agree with you though that the president should be someone who thinks they are better. Not to the point, where they look down on all of us because without us, they would not be president. The president is like a preacher. You look up to them for guidance. They are expected to be better, so they should think they are better.