Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The problem with racism is...

So, tonight I went to hear Dr. Angela Davis speak. I’m not sure exactly what she is a doctor of, but that’s the way she wan introduced. Anyways, she is a former member of the Black Panthers. She was part of the non-militant branch, I assume, since she was preaching nonviolence throughout the entire lecture. She was really cool and she made a lot of good points. I actually went to see her as part of my UNHP class. We have to go to outside events. The only real thing that I didn’t like is what she said about Don Imus. Now, I know that he’s a conservative, but c’mon you can’t help but like the guy. He said one off color thing. Who cares? Leave the guy alone. He has said much worse about white people, but he doesn’t lose his job for that.
It almost seems as if there is a double standard in this country. White people are fair game, but every other race is off limits. How is that the least bit fair. I think the problem with racism is that people can’t talk openly about it. We should be able to make fun of each races stereotypes without fear of bodily harm. So here it goes.
White people are uptight and think they are better than everybody else is. Black people are all angry and loud. Mexicans are lazy. Middle-easterners are terrorists. Asians are all fucking rocket scientists.
There I think that I offended everybody in the class. I hope that covers everyone. I hope that you will not be angry with me, but I rather hope that you are. If you are then that’s fine, but how about you actually look at this and evaluate it a little. Maybe then, you’ll realize how stupid it is to be mad about these things.


Wendy said...

great post. i do think you left me out though - and i'm offended about that.

Unknown said...

I like what you said about asians, it's almost divine. lol!