Thursday, April 17, 2008

J.P. Orlewicz

ONLY TWO BLOGS LEFT! Well, actually there will only be one left after this, I guess. It’s a real shame since I really have nothing to say today. I had something cool to talk about yesterday. Not cool, but at least it was interesting. I’ll try but this is going to be a stretch.
Has anyone heard of this J.P. Orlewicz kid? He is some 18 year old kid who killed a 26 year old, apparently just for the hell of it. He slit his throat(from behind) and stabbed him a few times. After that, he and a friend, decapitated the body, burned the torso, and left the head in a river. I know. Horrible, right?
Anyway he was just found guilty of first degree murder. His friend was found guilty of second degree. I have to admit, that I don’t feel sorry for the guy. He killed a man, in cold blood, for no reason. He faces life in prison, possibly with no chance of parol.
He looked normal, but when you hear the way he talked to his parents, you could tell that there was something wrong with him. He doesn’t seem insane, just a little mentally disturbed.

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